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Collective agreements
A collective agreement is the result of collective bargaining. It regulates the relations between the employer and employees, respectively between the employer and trade unions. A collective agreement of a higher level is concluded for a larger number of employers; between employers' organisation - association (one or more) and trade union (one or more). Collective agreements of a higher level
čítať ďalejRemuneration
In the conditions of the Slovak Republic, there is no legislative concept of "remuneration", the transposition of the directive in this case was carried out by explicitly listing those components of wages that are mandatory from the Labour Code. In the case of special regulations and a possible generally applicable collective agreement, the term "other mandatory components of wages" has
čítať ďalejPrivacy Policy (GDPR)
Privacy policy of the National Labor Inspectorate Address: Masarykova 10, 040 01 Košice The National Labor Inspectorate as an operator has assigned a responsible person, which you can contact at the email address: In accordance with the applicable legislation in the field of personal data protection (Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR / Sections 19 and 20 of
čítať ďalejRoad transport - posting declarations
Application of Directive (EU) 2020/1057 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 laying down specific rules in relation to Directive 96/71 / EC and Directive 2014/67 / EU on the posting of drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22 / EC as regards compliance requirements and Regulation (EU) No Regulation (EC) No
čítať ďalejRoad transport - work conditions
Following the transposition of the provisions of Directive (EU) 2020/1057 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 laying down specific rules in relation to Directive 96/71 / EC and Directive 2014/67 / EU for the posting of drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22 / EC as regards compliance requirements and Regulation
čítať ďalejRoad transport - posting declarations
Application of Directive (EU) 2020/1057 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2020 laying down specific rules in relation to Directive 96/71 / EC and Directive 2014/67 / EU on the posting of drivers in the road transport sector and amending Directive 2006/22 / EC as regards compliance requirements and Regulation (EU) No Regulation (EC) No
čítať ďalejLong term posting
Pursuant to Section 5(3) of Law No 311/2001 Coll, the Labour Code, as amended (‘the Labour Code’), employment relationships of workers posted in the framework of the provision of services by an employer making the posting from another Member State of the European Union to the territory of the Slovak Republic shall be governed by this Law, special regulations, or the relevant
čítať ďalejAverage earnings for labor law purposes
The average earnings for labor law purposes (hereinafter referred to as "average earnings") are determined by the employer from the wage charged to the employee for the relevant period and from the period worked by the employee in the relevant period. 4 of the last sentence shall be included in the period worked by the employee in the decisive period
čítať ďalejHoliday pay compensation
The employee is entitled to compensation of wages in the amount of his average earnings for the taken leave. For the part of the leave that exceeds four weeks of the basic amount of leave, which the employee could not take until the end of the following calendar year, the employee is entitled to compensation in the amount of his
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