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Scope of Labour Inspection
Labour inspection shall be a) supervision over observance of 1. labour-law provisions governing labour-law relations in particular their establishing, change and termination, wage conditions and working conditions of employees inclusive of working conditions for women, adolescents, home working employees, persons with disability and person under the age of fifteen and collective bargainin, 2. legal provisions regulating civil service, 3. legal
čítať ďalejLegislation
Act No. 311/2001 Coll. Labour code as amended by later regulations Act No. 124/2006 Coll. on occupational health and safety and on amendments and supplements to certain acts as amended by later regulations Act No. 125/2006 Coll. on labour inspection and on amendment of the Act No. 82/2005 Coll. on illegal work and illegal employment and on amendment of certain
čítať ďalejWorking conditions of workers posted to the territory of Slovak Republic
Labour-law relations between posted employee and posting employer follow partly the system of law of the posting country and partly the system of law of the country where the employee is posted. Only a part of the system of law of the country where an employee is posted is obligatory relevant to the posted employee, working conditions comprising so called
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