The National Labour Inspectorate has encountered an outage of the registration portal that occurred on 14 March 2025, i.e. Friday (and is still prevailing), through which the host employers are obliged to fulfil their notification obligation to the National Labour Inspectorate, no later than on the day of posting, to notify in electronic form or in paper form the data to the extent pursuant to Section 4 par.1 of Act No. 351/2015 Coll. on cross-border cooperation in the posting of employees for the performance of work in the provision of services and on amendments and supplements to certain acts, as amended, as well as (hereinafter referred to as “Act No. 351/2015 Coll.”), as well as any change in data pursuant of the aforementioned.
Given the objective reasons, it is not possible to fulfill the obligation pursuant to Section 4 par. 1 and 2 of Act No. 351/2015 Coll., as amended, through the registration portal available on the website of the National Labour Inspectorate, we recommend using the registration form (paper form) listed below.
The paper form in question must be filled in, signed and sent by postal office to the address: National Labour Inspectorate, Masarykova 10, 040 01 Košice or to the e-mail address:
We would like to point out that the obligation under Section 4a par. 1 and 2 of Act No. 351/2015 Coll. (posting of driver – Road Transport Posting Declaration) is not affected by this.