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...document below we inform you about the use of cookies on our website. 2. What are cookies? A cookie is a small simple file that is sent along with pages...

...létező megüresedett munkahely betöltése lehetőségének igazolása és munkavállalási engedély. A harmadik országbeli állampolgárok foglalkoztatásával kapcsolatos további információkért és eljárásokért látogassa meg a Szlovák Munkaügyi, Szociális és Családi Központ weboldalát:

...purposes, – they are holders of an EU Blue Card, – they are an asylum seeker whose entry in the labour market is permitted. For more information please visit

...nationals. EURES is a cooperation network designed to facilitate the free movement of workers within the EU 28 countries plus Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Partners in the network...

...vacant și a unui permis de muncă. Pentru mai multe informații și proceduri privind angajarea resortisanților țărilor terțe, vizitați site-ul Oficiului Muncii, Afacerilor Sociale și Familiei din Republica Slovacă: