- Constitution of Slovak Republic
- Act No. 311/2001 Coll. Labour Code as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 124/2006 Coll. on Occupational Health and Safety and on amendment and supplement to selected laws as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 125/2006 Coll. on Labour Inspection and on amendment of the Act No. 82/2005 Coll. on Illegal Work and Illegal Employment and on amendment of certain acts as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 355/2007 Coll. on Protection, Support and Development of Public Health and on the Amendment and Supplement to Selected Laws as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 377/2004 Coll. on Non-Smokers Protection and on amendment of certain acts as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 50/1976 Coll. on Land-use Planning and the Building Order (the Building Act)
- Act No. 51/1988 Coll. on Mining Activities, Explosives and on the State Mining Administration, as amended by later regulations
- Act No. 67/2010 Coll. on Conditions for launch of chemicals and chemical substances and on amendment and supplement to certain acts (Chemical Act)
- Act No. 261/2002 Coll. on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and on amendment and supplement to certain acts
- Act No. 462/2007 Coll. on Working Time and Rest Period in Transport and change and amendment of Act No. 125/2006 Coll. on Labour Inspection and on amendment of the Act No. 82/2005 Coll. on Illegal Work and Illegal Employment
- Act No. 264/1999 Coll. on Technical Requirements for Products and on Compliance Assessment and on amendment of certain acts as amended by later regulation
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 35/2008 Coll. on technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to personal protective equipment
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 115/2006 Coll. on the minimum health and safety requirements on protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to noise as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 117/2001 Coll. on technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures of equipment and protection systems determined for use in explosive atmosphere as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 253/2006 Coll. on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to asbestos at work
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 272/2004 Coll. establishing the list of works and workplaces that are prohibited for all pregnant women and mothers until the end of the ninth month following childbirth and nursing women, list of works and workplaces that are connected with specific risk for pregnant women, mothers until the end of the ninth month following childbirth and nursing women and establishing certain duties of employers employing these women as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 286/2004 Coll. establishing the list of work and workplaces that are prohibited for all adolescent employees and establishing certain duties of employers employing adolescent employees as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 276/2006 Coll. on the minimum safety and health requirements for the work with visual display units
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 281/2006 Coll. on the minimum safety and health requirements for the manual handling of loads
- Regulation of the Slovak Republic Government No 308/2004 Coll., on technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to electrical equipment used in certain voltage range as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Slovak Republic Government No. 513/2001 Coll. establishing the particulars of technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to single pressure tanks as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 355/2006 Coll. on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to chemical agents at work as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 356/2006 Coll. on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens and mutagens at work as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 387/2006 Coll. on the minimum requirements for the provisions of safety and health signs at work
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 391/2006 Coll. on the minimum safety and health requirements for the workplace
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 392/2006 Coll. on the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of working equipment
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 393/2006 Coll. on minimum requirements for ensuring occupational safety and health protection in explosive atmosphere
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 393/1999 Coll. on technical requirements for gas fuel appliances as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 395/2006 Coll. on the minimum requirements for the provision and use of personal protective working equipment
- Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 396/2006 Coll. on the minimum safety and health requirements for construction sites
- Regulation of the Slovak government No. 416/2005 on minimum safety and health requirements for protection of employees against risks related to exposure to vibration as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Slovak Republic Government No. 436/2008 Coll., establishing the particulars of technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to machinery as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Slovak Republic Government No. 571/2001 Coll., establishing the particulars of technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to lifts as amended by later regulations
- Regulation of the Slovak Republic Government No. 576/2002 Coll., establishing the particulars of technical requirements and compliance evaluation procedures relating to pressure equipments
- Decree of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family No. 45/2010 Coll. on minimum requirements for provision of safety and health protection at work in agriculture
- Decree of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family No. 46/2010 Coll. on minimum requirements for provision of safety and health protection at work in forestry and on particulars of professional competence for performance of certain type of work activities and for operation of certain technical equipments
- Decree of the Slovak Republic Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family No. 356/2007 Coll., on particulars of requirements and scope of educational and training activity, project of education and training, standard record keeping and knowledge verification of educational and training activity attendees
- Decree of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 500/2006 Coll. on establishment of a template for reported occupational accident
- Decree of Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic No. 508/2009 Coll. on minimum requirements for securing occupational safety and health at work with pressure, lifting, electrical and gas technical equipments and on establishment of technical equipment considered as specified technical equipment