Subcontracting liability
A hosting employee whom a hosting employer upon posting has not provided the wage payable under the hard core condition or part of the wage, has the right to claim their payment to a natural person or a legal person who is a service supplier in the territory of the Slovak Republic ( “supplier of services”), the direct subcontractor of which is the hosting employer. The supplier of services is obliged to provide the hosting employee with a payable wage or part thereof in the outstanding amount within 15 days of receipt of the hosting employee´s application after deductions to be paid from the wage by the hosting employer provided he paid the payable wage; the supplier of services shall not be liable for the execution and payment of these deductions. The supplier of services is obliged to inform the hosting employer of the wage payment. In case of posting – temporary assignment, it is proceeded pursuant to the conditions of temporary agency workers.
The hosting employer is obliged, upon request, to provide the supplier of services without undue delay with the necessary information to enable the supplier of services to control whether the hosting employer has provided the wage payable to the hosting employee or part thereof and for the supplier of services to be able to fulfil the obligation to pay the wage to the hosting employee. The hosting employer shall provide the supplier of services with the personal data of the hosting employees in the extent necessary for achieving that purpose.